Saturday, November 28, 2015

Los Zeta, reseña de nadie...y de nada

Miles de siglos atras, nadie existia, nadie, solo nadie, ese que nadie es pero todo el mundo lo quiere, cuando nadie es nadie, y lo demas es nada. nadie vive.

por lo mismo la creacion de plataformas para unirse y ver la vida con un objetivo, un proposito, una meta o la labor de quienes puedan soportar la carga de la vida, esta gestada por la union de varios factores, todos ajenos a uno mismo, pero vivos ya es nuestra responsabilidad, ha, la responsabilidad de nadie para seguir como nadie, siendo esto que eres...

y eres lo que quieras ser, bajo el gobierno de nadie, bajo la autoridad de nadie, bajo la mentira de nadie, ya que muerte, eres parte de este, de nadie, solo otros sabran quien eres, y estos tambien seran de nadie, cuando el dia les llegue...

ya de nadie, ahora lo eres todo, el peligro, el amor, la fuiria, la lagrima, la desonrra, la violencia, la tristesa, la tortura, la felicidad, el milagro, oh de ser nadie bajo la ilusion de algo, de alguien, de quienes te catalogan y transforman quien eres, o de quien te examina y ve quien eres, o de quien te entrena y sabe que ere, o de quien destruye todo lo que has hecho por darle camino a otro y asi crear algo para nadie, ese que os llama y no sabes donde ver, pues alla, arriba no hay mas nadie mas que nosotros, volando sin saber donde vamos, pero aprendiendo puesto que algunos saben que somos nadie y buscamos las fronteras de los que somos, como alguien que sabe, alguien que piensa, alguien que sueña y con sus limitaciones descubre otros metodos y empieza el camino, hacia la nada, pues, la nada lo es todo y nadie es parte de esta, el que nadie dice, nadie sabe, nadie ve, por eso vemos como nadie hace nada, al hacer...que haces?

cuando a nadie le importa si no haces mas nada que el llevarlos a todos a la promesa de nadie, esperando ver como las edificaciones del mas alla, nos cuenten como fueron los otros, similares a uno, en el mundo de nadie, donde estos dictaban la vida, o muerte, dejando al mundo transformar su energia.

energia, todavia desperdiciada, en un puntico existencialmente absurdo pensar en lo especiales que somos, y lo especial que es nuestro creador, catalogado como el salvador de esta tierra. cuando los cometas, el vacio, la luz, la tecnologia, la plataforma, el dinero, el material, el espiritu; esa herramienta natural, tanto ficta como segura, es todo parte de un todo, a su vez, de la nada...para nadie, al menos de que lo descubras, y entonces....

por que eres tan curioso?

decian los demonios al planetario, cuando de la tierra, nada pasa por casualidad, ya que nuestro territorio esta encerrado en nuestra tierra, y todo, todo, se puede cuantificar, de lo mismo predecir. hasta nadie sabe eso.

Los Zetas, una banda hipnotica, donde sus sonidos atraen las energias magulladas del alma en pena en un purgatorio existencial, este que nos da tiempo para reflexionar y regresar a nuestras querellas personales, trabajar por otros y ser lo que otros nos puedan dar, aquellos que hicieron lo mismo, ahora te piden lo mismo. 

Un trio que se multiplica cuando tocan, de una region tropica del mundo, donde luchan por mantener su espiritu en alto cuando otros, o todos, o nadie, los presionan para ver que cocinan, y que pueden traerle al mundo estas variables escondidas bajo la manta ficta del infinito, ya cuantificado, el suplicio del ser latino, bajo la mano dura de neustros pobres gobernadores, corruptos y llenos de avaricia, emprendedores de la pobreza y la riqueza de otros, los que con la cuerda nos jalan pa que trabajemos por lo que nos dan. la miseria del llenar nuestro anima de problemas, y la gloria del sacarlos cuando, de la nada, sale esta banda e inspira, expresendo, el si, estas vivo y puedes todavia, todavia hay tiempo...

pero tiempo para que?

tiempo para seguir amando, para seguir luchando, para seguir viendo al cielo y seguir buscando al dios que se nos escapo y nadie lo ve.

De Venezuela, esta banda lo da todo en la tarima, su agresividad, su dedicacion, su misterio, su condicion, demuestra lo que se busca, la cruda perfeccion de musicos haciendo algo por todos, cuando nadie reina.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wastelands, reseña de la situacion

We would never know what we gonna feel when dead,
but sure some want it to be peaceful, out of this damaging world,
a world filled with anger and deceptions, hate and pleasure for it, imagine that...

but hold on my friend, why focus on the negativity of this world?
have u seen the remaining of or hopeful side?
the beauty of our dying forest,
the wonderfulness of our sacrifices, when it comes to fight oppression, or the machinery of dead, alone, for a better, more included and just world?

have you heard, felt, or read what this means?
to have you family murdered by corrupted officials who serve the oppressor, and in all the pain, all the sorrow, flying like a broken leaf of hope, an imagine of you, that angel who came to inspire you and give you that little motivation to continue, and recover from that devastating lost, and become what it brought you, when you most needed, that revolutionary perfection of enduring hell to reborn stronger than ever...

only because you are still alive.

in a Wastelands:

an inspiring group that creates a cathartic environment, a drug that helps everyone to release that tension created by this stressful bubble we all live, that bubble, now filled with sound, a sound that comes from each of the bands members heart, some can define their sounds as muted, nuts, anarchic, funky, whatever, but in reality, the band is more a sanctuary, where the souls come to rest their pains and extend their existence while listening to the mayhem around...

From Miami, a unique place, where those corrupted criminals from those wars come to buy most of the land, as they stole it from the working class...Miami, where the elite is paired with politicians in order to divide others from each nationality into ghettos and suburbs, like any other part in the world, easy for those police officers, if you haven't had any experience with them, pigs if you have, to maintain their oppression because, of course, the working class can't get jobs that the elite makes, such bullshit shit politicians plan...

This fucking city, amazing if you want to live in your bubble...and more, 
pressuring the raising waters you get the mafia of bubble, those who aren't gonna deal with anything civil, but with only violence and restrictions, as we can see it around each of the corners anyone is...

so then, it comes to Nunhex, another punching Miami band that screams and plays for us every blood moon, and helps to rise up those lost bones from any hiatus, a band that motivates us to destroy that whole fucking invisible wall there is...

But don't be disappointed, and be, cause, Miami is a graveyard for amazing bands, one like Testokra, an amazing amazonian one, where their screams and their combination did its work when they were together, making the noise pixels love.

more, more, more...

all of this bands share a member...expanding the forces into multiple areas...

Alex Nuñez from Nunhex
Alex Campos from Testokra
and Eric Hernandez from Wrong...


Part of AMALAYA # 2

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Autarx, reseña del demo

When teens rebel, there is nothing one can do but to pray to the known institutional gods, 
those gods among us, 
and the ruler of all gods, 
a human creation... 

...that creative mass we all come from; 
evolution and our use of that infinite source of pain and depression, just when things are all right. ah, madness...

so they pray for you, yes you, dependable kid, crying alone in the darkness time of your life, when bullies aren't hitting anyone anymore but everyone is, with their mean tweets and mean comments, you seem to think, 'is there anyone out there?' 'is there anyone out there?'

is it?

Cause to be touched by the night, that cold and seductive cover some feel, around our naked body, illuminated by the melancholic drunkenness of that oval reflection of your desires, that blue moon every selected time, specially around your saddest moment, transforms you, pushes you towards the unknown, to rebel against institutions, to search your truth, and to spark that engine, that phoenix of dust, into the flames of your ire, the flames of your youth, coming together, having that moment of peace, while listening, feeling, something you can control, controlling you, in those naive senses we all forget...and we come into being.

Autrax, with the most lively drum bass, its jumping bass-lane, to the pointing rifts and the melodramatic synth, all balanced by a very deep personal and majestic voice of sadness and rebellion, are calling you to raise your hand and dance around them, everywhere they are...

...and yes, there is no difference between teens and adults, cause we all are one, and we all decide, whether or not you are evil to our life or not...but then, what is is evil?

a person who is bothering you?
or a person who is besides you in the darkness of times?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Van Gogh (1991), reseña de la pelicula

All the materials and sources presented in this post are worth reading, take your time.

Van Gogh, pretty sure you know about him, if you don't, look it up.


But why is he so important?


Did he discovered penicillin?

Did he united those against each other?

*- mhh. tricky question, who has done it? 

But sure he was creative, and being creative motivates, in a broad sense of areas, not just in the art one.


Because, as a person, he was damaged*, which makes him interesting, as shown in his movie...

...and I choose this movie, because of the way he was portrayed; as a strained artist trying to cope with his dementia, while keeping everything disassociated from his true love... 

...not as a beloved personality, but as a devoted ass-hole with a libertine twist of anarchy.

This ode to Van Gogh, was Maurice Pialat daydream being Van Gogh, gracefully performed by another well-know actor and singer as Jacques Dutronc is.

So how do they do it?

Where does it come from?


Is that all, is there anything more to it?

And where does our creative thoughts come from, and what it is? 


Monday, August 3, 2015

AKHLYS, reseña del disco The Dreaming I

When something infectious bites you, 
and the reaction first eats your skin, 
then it numbs it, 
when that feeling appears, 
and you still see those insects who inflicted that passage to your suffering, 
and you collapse and then you reflect judging everything you have done, 
when pain is just a stage for a later understanding of how your body releases endorphin and then hallucinations, 

that endless cycle of pounding rhythmic sensations, 
that metabolic destruction of your normality transforms your believes into a realm uncovered by that thing which has given you solitude. 

The march of ants eating you skin, 
that emotional tempest in you... 

is death coming, 
the meaning of knowing something you are not used to but you know is there, 
in your dreams...

Akhlys, A master of perception, a magi or a warlock, an artist, a shaman, an animist, who uses the presence of darkness to convey its desires and wants into a more complex world filled with sounds and mysteries, all created by our lack of understanding of our physical world, but infinite interpretations of our internal one, where the essence of life is hidden deep inside the void of this relative universe.

fear is like a solar system in his world,
and life, life...
what it's life if fear is a solar system?

for those who can listen to this band:

and more reviews where there is more about it:

Friday, June 19, 2015

NightCrawler, reseña de la pelicula (plus bonus material)

With a corky sound, and a merry melody, nothing new has been released this days, so an old controversial video about others point of view about the terror that palged the world, is just fair, to review...
 not that any sides has more rights because today's democracy is just the democracy of individuals, and countries, that step by step, are getting together to take away our freedom for security, the well being of all 'their' people, yet, there is this idea that in the future, or even today, as something happening in the Dominican Republic, where it's government, the representation of it's people, want the Haitians out of their country, even if they have legal residence, or not, cause, you know, corruption and those in it can do whatever they want..

as poor people have really no rights at all...

so to continue the half of what I started, those new politics are coming together, and what they want is to have only rich people living in their country, where the rest will be 'sent' to another country, like that billionaire troll, whose name can not be said, unless, you want that troll to win, cause, you know, that's what he wants, he wants to be in the internet, to be hated or to create controversy and therefore win at any cost, maybe because his name is more important than what he says, or portraits to be, but back to the topic, in today's xenophobia cloud of idiots who want others to move back or out, they clearly don't see a pattern, and it's not a national one, but an economic one, as those who have the moneys already live better than those who don't, easy economic historical facts, but what it is going to happen, is not to raise a wall for those drug dealers, rapist who want to cross the border, but a wall to divide those who are sick, poor or ignorant, a material wall where only the chosen ones can live in paradise and those who don't, are gonna work for those who give them some crumbles of the already eaten pie, as the TPPA, I think, states.

Imagine that for you to have a job you gonna have to move to a 'third' world country and work those those managing the company in that 'first' world one, is that not what the TPPA wants?, to move the poor people out of their paradise, as those left behind, those who have struggled to pay the rent have no other option than to move where the jobs are, and where are the jobs? says those who have no job?

but then wars, and that factor that excels things to move towards to it's real agenda, to divide and conquer at any cost and feed the machine of hate, hate, hate, something taken from our animal condition and multiplied by the lack of education, the lack of freedom, and the lack of jobs, but, who cares, we have drugs, parties and leisure, thank god for those anarchist who were killed for our 888, thank god for those mediocre beings, we are now living the dream those in the dark ages die for, yet, in this 2002, the world is no longer ours, but for those who are laughing at our pains, when we just want a better life than what our corrupted and murderous regime want us to keep feeding it, and while we die out of starvation, out of sickness trying to cross the boarder to another of those corrupted regimes, there is this fucking troll who has all what he can have and yet insults us and call us rapist and murderous, when indirectly he is the one raping us, killing us in his already made bed, with his already surrounded souls he has channeled, those he called by giving a public speech about death and pain, inflicted on our soul.

yet, life is nothing but an individualistic piece of evidence we give our children to remember, and some make sure that a moment stays with us, for the rest of our life, and some are going to do the impossible to inflict that memories upon us, by violence or love, but love is overrated, we are moved by violence and the media loves it, it gives them money, something that would permit them stay in the first world and continue to educate the masses about violence and pain.

so this movie reflects, in a way, how an individual has taught himself to be the best he can be and climb that mountain of dirt to a babel world where money is the universal language, and violence is their medium, at least some aftereffects done by violence, and treachery in the process.

Image result for Nightcrawler

NightCrawler, a must watch movie, where the main character is kind of a broken genius in the verge of a murderous rampage that found it's way to channel all that sexual tension and pain into a more creative and sadistic expression where at the end, the fruits of his labor where noticed by others just like him, those who profit from the pain of others, just like that mother fucking troll that thinks people crossing the border are criminals and deserve to be among them.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

AILS, reseña del video de youtube de su primer show

Image result for Ails

De las flores de Mayo,
paria la vida el grito,
de un alma muriendo.

en pena
de huecos su alma.

mientras en tarima,
su alma muriendo
pedia el grito, vida.

Un grupo que daba su primer pronunciaminto al mundo musical de forma punzante,
su angustia alimenta,
el lamento de otros,
que nos llenan sin saberlo.

pronunciandose el primero de Mayo.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Soulfly, reseña de la cancion "Jeffrey Dahmer"


Max's band, Soulfly, since the Sepultura fiasco, way before their Chaos AD revolution, between  'Beneath the remains' and 'Arise', when they were the rawest of all Trash metal bands ever, when they were young, perfecting their crafts and expanding their limits in their own created environment, when they already had done the impossible, to claim that ladder they criticized, the ladder of authority over others... in their music scene... they were, chanting the brutalities of their own perception of those imaginary demons and prophets, written in ancient times for the only purpose of giving our life a meaning, that meaning reduced to the similes of our fundamentalism about our realms, those we see today, we hear them on the news, the ideas of our demise, our point of no return, hell or heaven, depending on your believes, and Sepultura, at that time, didn't had time for the heroes or salvation, but the realities of our suffering and penitents. the knowing all sense of desolation among our achievements and survival ways to materialize someones dream.

The generalization of artist and their creation.

Back when they were the ones portraying as the voice of the ones hidden in their agonies and suffering from this mundane living of conditioned selected tools for survival, they didn't care who you were, as you were ethereally subsequent to find death anywhere you imagined to be, death was a constant, therefore your weight in your quest, and are they were fulfilling it as they were also quietly separating themselves from it. as Soulfly justified.

Now Max had the opportunity to say and be the sole purpose of you to listen to whatever he had to say, and saying and imagining the world in a different perspective, with a more mature and old voice of wisdom, not betraying his own sound filled with anger and passion, things he still believes, showing us that not only the metaphysical world is within ourselves but that world is also mutated into a more real and human possibility; when composing songs about the gruesomeness of our cannibal and exiled demons, those that wakes up in moments where the earth is sickening, when our spirit is weak, and our desires and greed are just flourishing into madness and pain.

With pleasure and curiosity of discovering the human body. Satan is always lurking for its victims, and the ones aware of it, knows its power.

The song Jeffrey Dahmer from Omen

 Jeffrey Dahmer - Lyrics

In blood his victims will crawl
Body parts all over his house
They feed the need of his cannibal mind
Bloody murders he left behind

Jeffrey Dahmer, master cannibal
Jeffrey Dahmer, master of the gruesome
Jeffrey Dahmer, master cannibal
Jeffrey Dahmer, master of the gruesome

Psychologic interviews in jail
To understand this behavior, insane
Set him free, he'll do it again
A life dedicated to pain

Jeffrey Dahmer, master cannibal
Jeffrey Dahmer, master of the gruesome
Jeffrey Dahmer, master cannibal
Jeffrey Dahmer, master of the gruesome

Stalking victims through the night
Dismember every body part
Stalking, killing in the night
Consuming every body part

Stalking victims through the night
Dismember every body part
Stalking, killing in the night
Consuming every body part

Jeffrey Dahmer, master cannibal
Jeffrey Dahmer, master of the gruesome
Jeffrey Dahmer, master cannibal
Jeffrey Dahmer, master of the gruesome



On the afternoon of May 26, 1991, Dahmer encountered a 14-year-old named Konerak Sinthasomphone on Wisconsin Avenue; he approached the youth with an offer of money to accompany him to his apartment to pose for Polaroid pictures. According to Dahmer, Sinthasomphone—the younger brother of the boy whom he had molested in 1988—was initially reluctant to the proposal, before changing his mind and accompanying Dahmer to his apartment, where the youth posed for two pictures in his underwear before being drugged into unconsciousness and fellated. On this occasion, Dahmer drilled a single hole into Sinthasomphone's skull, through which he injected muriatic acid into the frontal lobe.

Most of the victims had been rendered unconscious prior to their murder, although some had died as a result of having acid or boiling water injected into their brain. (As he had no memory of the murder of Tuomi, he was unsure whether he was unconscious when beaten to death.) He readily admitted to performing necrophilia with several of his victims' bodies, this included performing sexual acts with their viscera[163] as he dismembered their bodies in his bathtub. Having noted that much of the blood pooled inside his victims' chest after death, Dahmer would first remove the internal organs, then suspend the torso so the blood would drain into his bathtub, before dicing any organs he did not wish to retain and paring the flesh from the body. The bones he wished to dispose of would be pulverized or acidified, with Soilex and bleach solutions used to aid in the preservation of the skeletons and skulls he wished to keep. In addition, he confessed to having consumed the hearts, livers, biceps and portions of thighs of several victims killed within the previous year.

Psychological Tests in Court:

Defense experts argued that Dahmer was insane due to his necrophilic drive; his compulsion to have sexual encounters with corpses. Defense expert Dr. Fred Berlin testified that Dahmer was unable to conform his conduct at the time that he committed the crimes because he was suffering from paraphilia or, more specifically, necrophilia. Dr. Judith Becker, a professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, was the second expert witness for the defense; Becker also diagnosed Dahmer with necrophilia. The final defense expert to testify, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Carl Wahlstrom, diagnosed Dahmer with borderline personality disorder.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Fallas del Sistema, reseña de la cancion "Himno Zapatista"

Un grupo Mejicano de jovenes concientemente sociales. Rebeldes como cualquiera con un corazon obrero, un corazon dolido por la superficie de los que perdieron la esperanza y fueron arrastrados por el cambio, ese progreso, que para unos es lo que los tiene apartados, dejados, olvidados, para muchos, bueno, lo que nos ha dado este medio, usado como lo que uno es...

Por lo mismo el grupo y sus ideas, estas que viajan a traves de la censura, que aveces por su contenido son detenidos, ya que el darla sin filtrar puede ocasionar derrumbes tanto sociales como vitales para la misma entidad o personas que trabajan para esta. Pero no sera eso lo mismo? el desertar a tal idea y liberarse de lo que para otros oprime, pero como llegar a un acuerdo cuando llegan otros, sin nada, con el ejemplo de la muerte, para apoderarse de la juventud, quitarle sus vidas y matarlos por el simple hecho de que tipo de creencia ven salida a los problemas creados por la falta de percepcion inclusiva, no desafiante ni explosiva, como unos han llegado al borde de la locura y su existencial climax, el destruir lo que los creo como tal, sin reconocer siquiera la culpa por caer como quienes no lo saben en la maquinaria de destruccion que se nos aproxima, pues, como asteroide que viene, vendra. como nacimiento del mal, se apodara de vuestro centro y os deja ciegos, mientras haya algo de esperanza, en la nada estara nuestro lugar. en donde ya no esta.

Algo de informacion sobre la situacion actual de los Zapatistas:

Pero no hay nada tan mal ni tan despreciable como aquellos que asecinan a los estudiantes, sea quienes sean, por ser simples estudiantes, y a estos, que ni la misma muerte lo desaparesca, que la pasen eternamente sufriendo el dolor de la vida de aquellos jovenes ilusionados que ahora no estan.

Sea por parte del gobierno, de las mafias o las organizaciones violentas.


Saturday, February 28, 2015


Orange Blossoms


     c                                                       c



sindicalistas de la nacion, unidos en una guerra de supervivencia,
decian varios atras, dejados al olvido, donde dictadores e ideas de locura reinan por los barrios y la sangre suele auyentarnos de la verdad que nos esconden, pues la verdad existe solo en la muerte del inocente, no del culpable en el trono de balas y tripas...

difundian siempre lo mismo desde el bosque hasta la malesa,
regresaban de las guerras y mantenian la postura,
eran los guerreros de cruzadas, unos llegaban, otros morian,
mientras los medicos cerrando heridas,
saludaban al vecino, este otro que venia a lo mismo.

You Dance A Particular Algorithm

musica pensante,
de bajos,
con un poco de wowble,
another setting drumline chores,
and some more wowble...

a strange second with a change of tempos,
as if the time stopped, and ask us where we were?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Post title (Obituary+item)

Cuesta aveces mantenerse vivo, 
si mueres, vivos dejaras tus recuerdos ser recordados por otros,
mientras vivas, haz temblar al mundo,
pero paciencia.

la guerra y el trabajo esperan tu retorno,
solo los salvajes viajan al purgatorio,
los demas lo viven,
los que no, luchan por que nadie tenga que lamentar eso que los dioses han creado fuera de nuestras ya consumidas expectavitas...

eres ya unx de nosotros,
decian esas engrietadas paredes golpeadas por vuestra cien...

festejando el dolor,
perdido ante la moral,
brillan los recursos de pocos
el tesoro de reyes,
siempre encapsulando el poder,
verticalmente destruyendo al de abajo
hasta hacerlo fiel a su causa.

pero no os asusteis,
armaduras, espadas,
esas tribus de quienes creen en la libertad,
mientras sigan entendiendose,
unidos y dispuestos a continuar esa manta de vida que arropa la muerte,
la mantendremos dormida en su ataud,
pues cuando despierte;
Cuando los mares de sangre se desborden por la herida,
esa que al final se abrira sino descontaminamos al mundo que destruimos.

Pues cambiamos la muerte del inocente por la muerte de nuestra deidad, que inocente todavia nos da el sustento transformado en su misma destruccion.

Cadáveres podridos, reseña de una idea musical a su gestación como grupo

La evolución de la música, de su concepto, de un momento estático, los sentimientos que anclan la vida con la imaginación, un universo llen...